NO Social Media Here!

We value your privacy...

Party Colombia is social media free. We do not have any direct or indirect contact with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus or any another social media to maintain your privacy and keep our affairs discreet.

We know that having a social media presence would help us get more visits, more likes, more potential customers. BUT, we all know how the social media can easily and quickly get your information in the wrong hands.

At Party Colombia we are all about discretion. Partying with us doesn't mean the entire world wide web has to know. We'll leave it up to you to do that, if that is really what you want to do. But not from us. That is not a promise, but a committment!

In fact, we even go the extra mile to ensure than no communication between you and us is through this website. All emails are through our travel website, TSG Travel.


Colombia's Party Girls Are Waiting For You!

Click here to get photos of
the Colombia Party Girls in your email!

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Add your name to our mailing list and get regular updates about our parties.

For your privacy all emails will come from TSG Travel. If privacy is a concern, use an email account, like Gmail and Yahoo, that only you have access to.

We never spam.